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Circadian Contraptions Day 45

A month and a half in and still going strong. This drawing was digitally made after a photograph of a fox. 3 layers. The first layer has the photograph, on which I draw the first sketch. After getting the important lines, the photo goes invisible, a new layer is created and i put the Final … Continue reading »

Categories: Circadian Contraption, Leonardo | Comments Off on Circadian Contraptions Day 45

Circadian Contraptions Day 32

The 2nd try at an actual mandala. It is relaxing to draw these, and the end result looks nice i think, regardless of that the lines are not perfect.

Categories: Circadian Contraption, Drawing Tablet, Leonardo, Photoshop | Comments Off on Circadian Contraptions Day 32

Circadian Contraption Day 31

Something else for the first day of the 2nd month. Circadian Contraption day 31 features a mirrored abstract drawing made with Leonarda, a lightweight but fun drawing programs that works awesome with a pen/touchscreen combo.

Categories: Circadian Contraption, Leonardo | Tags: | Comments Off on Circadian Contraption Day 31