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Circadian Contraptions Day 198

Today’s contraption, oddly enough, is wrapping paper. My nieces new (and home printed) glow in the dark gift will get a suitable wrapping, also glow in the dark and with her name embedded in the box. The top of the box is still printing, so I don’t have a proper picture of that yet.

Categories: 3dprinter, Blender, Circadian Contraption | Leave a comment

Circadian Contraptions Day 37

The glass I’m happy with so far. The candle looks great i think, but the candleholder needs some reshaping, and the flame still looks like crap. I would also want to see the flame reflected in the glass, which at the moment is all but invisible there.

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The scene evolves and slowly gets more body. What also has a good body? A nice red wine. An empty glass is a bit sad, so i decided to fill it up with a nice Bordeaux. The surroundings need a bit more work, the reflections on the glass seem a bit weird by 2 different … Continue reading »

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Circadian Contraptions Day 36 – Of Coffee and Wine

Circadian Contraption 36 I wanted to embellish the setting with the coffee cup a bit more, so i started with adding a wineglass. I’m not happy with it yet. The scaling is wrong, i need to work on the composition, and it barely seems to be picking up the walls i set up around it … Continue reading »

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Circadian Contraptions: Day 6

So today’s contraption was going to be a project with water and fire. The fire took like an hour to render, only to find out it was nowhere near what I wanted. Not wanting to spend another couple of hours and miss my deadline I decided to pour some water over something. It’s not quite … Continue reading »

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