Circadian Contraptions Day 146
I went on to play with the Omega2 computer, but instead of going for the electronics side of it, I decided to try out the screen that came with it and see what i could do with that. Just a small little program that gives the time, appropriate time of day and a random quote … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 144
I’ve continued playing and learning with the little omega 2 computer i received. The experiment shown beneath is a system where the computer reads the status of the switch every second or so, and adjusts then turns the led on or off. This is the small delay you see between the actual flipping of the … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 141
Yesterday I picked up my omega2 maker kit. Omega2 is a project from indiegogo where you get minicomputer (smaller than a matchbox) and some extensions to allow you to connect it to a bunch of different peripherals. Much like the Arduino is for those in the know. So I’ve started out with it, and decided … Continue reading