Circadian Contraptions Day 210
So almost each day me and a couple of coworkers have a toolbox meeting. We gather around the toolbox (trashcan) and have some fruit whilst chatting about whatever. Sometimes fruit doesnt get eaten and a nice collection has grown from these meetings. Very much like a still life. So with moving the pear slightly i … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 209
Ghost, my cat, is always a willing victim for my contraptions. She just sits there being pretty and lets me take nice pictures. She’s also a perfect subject to do black and white pictures with.
Circadian Contraptions Day 208
I’ve received my new Blue Yeti microphone today, and it has a rather interesting design. It made me think of spaceships, so I decided to send it to space.
Circadian Contraptions Day 203
Today’s another goth party at eden. My contraption for today is henceforth the corresponding poster that i made for it.
Circadian Contraptions Day 201
A while ago I showed a pictured of colored gel balls in a glass. Over the last few weeks, they have dried out a bit, but interestingly enough, not all dry out at the same tempo. Due to contact with the others, lower in the glass, more moist available there, the top dried faster and … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 199
The clearing two streets behind where I live always has bunnies sitting around. You can’t get real close, but i usually snap picture when i have the time. This time one sat relatively close when i took the picture. So today’s contraption is an edit of that picture I snapped.
Circadian Contraptions Day 196
A friend of mine (moon) made an awesome picture of the moon shining through the trees and power lines. I made the night darker, the light stronger and the contrast higher to get what i think is a very dark and mysterious, but beautiful image.
Circadian Contraptions Day 195
I’ve received the optical zoom lens for my phone, a neat little snap-on zoom lens that came with a small tripod. The picture inside the frame is made with that lens, and the tripod that the frame rests is what you can put the phone on. The frame itself was 3d printed for another project. … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 191
Walking home from the trainstation tonight i was faced with a rather lovely sunset. The world itself was dark, and an orange glowing light was emanating from the center of a silhouette skyline. Of course when i took a picture that effect was mostly lost. The orange was yellow instead, the darkness was replaced by … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 186
A couple of days back I already used one of the little gel balls for a contraption, today’s another one. I just love the way that the light plays with them, and its fun to try and bring out those features.