Circadian Contraptions Day 177
A bit late, but i got a bit of a stomach bug or something last night and went to bed before i could finish it. There are a couple of problems with this print. I’m going to have to print it in multiple parts instead of all at once because of the support material getting … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 176
Unfortunately, today’s contraptions has fallen apart. Quite literally. This was my first homemade 3d model to be printed, but I misjudged the scale and the sturdiness of the support material. I did learn from this that printing straight to heated glass when using hairspray as adhesive works very well. So it wasn’t all a bust … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 175
I love puzzles, and I love puzzle boxes. There are some great oriental puzzle boxes, but they are hard to find, and if you find them they are too expensive (at least this has been my experience). So now i can print my, thats exactly what i did. I’ve shown as little about the puzzle … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 175
So I’ve gone shopping and got me some acrylic paint that would go well with the markers I’ve already used on the steampunk gear cube. It’s a bit different colors, but it doesn’t look out of place on the device. I’ve gotten rid of almost all of the white that could be reached, so here’s … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 174
Today’s contraption sports another 3d print. This time its a dolphin phoneholder. It’s standing upside down, as the paint on it is still drying. When done it will rest on the flat bit, the phone will hook behind the tail, and rest with its back against the snout
Circadian Contraptions Day 173
So after day 171 twice (copy paste fail!) here’s the final print. I’ve started painting it, but with the tools i currentlly have at my disposal i dare not go into the insides, there’s too little wiggle space.
Circadian Contraptions Day 171
So before I’m gonna print my own stuff, I’m still, well, calibrating the printer, see what settings work best for it. And for that I’m using some other peoples builds, and in the meantime printing out some awesome stuff. Like a steampunk gears cube. Not all of it is finished, and as you can see, … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 171
As promised yesterday, I continued with my printing, and am proud to show off my first successful print, a little dude who can hold your phone for you.
Circadian Contraptions Day 170
I’m almost done setting up my 3d printer. By now its fully functional, but I still need to get a bit more familiar with what works for this device, and to fine-tune it. Like the correction after autoleveling, what surfaces stick best, and how to get an even print. The picture included here shows a … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 166
So the printer is done. Yay. But there’s a small problem still, the auto leveling doesnt seem to work. There’s a z-probe that is supposed to set the ground level for the print, but its not detecting the collision. Here’s the printer in its final form.