Monthly Archives: March 2017
Circadian Contraptions Day 130
Today we went out with 20 coworkers to celebrate 3 birthdays. We had a lovely dinner at Simonis, a fish storeOne of the pictures i took there went up for “aging” today.
Circadian Contraptions Day 129
Another day, another doodle. It feels a bit like doodling when i draw with the 3d pen. Normally when one draws, the pressure put upon the paper describes how thick a line will be. With 3d doodling it is not the pressure, but the speed of movement that dictates how thick or how straight a … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 10000000
Okay, as a geek I just couldn’t let the 128th contraption go by without adding in the binary notation for it. Seems a lot more impressive no? Anyway, I’ve continued with my 3d pen to learn to draw with it. After a bit of work i figured out how to make solid plains that did … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 127
Going through my older pictures for inspiration I ran into a picture of the #tonomats, who’s lead singer/guitarist was in a rather striking pose that just invited me to enhance. Unfortunately the resolution of the picture was a bit low, but I think I still managed to do something nice with it.
Circadian Contraptions Day 126
I helped my friend Moon today to learn a bit about photoshop and what can be done with it. In the “lesson” I’ve described how to use the raw camera filter, how to use the path tool to make a path and how to edit it, how to convert the path to a selection, how … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 125
Over the last couple of weeks, one thing I’ve found out is that I love black and white photography where the contrast between light and dark is really strong. Today my cat Ghost was sitting next to me on my arm rest, and posed very nicely for today’s picture.
Circadian Contraptions Day 124
So last week I ordered a 3d pen on sale, and today it arrived. It’s harder to draw with then it seems, but it’s a lot of fun messing with it. Today’s contraption is a couple of tryouts, and a semi-successful bicycle made with this pen.
Circadian Contraptions Day 123
I’ve been writing today, and as that is a creative art as well, I’m using that as my contraption. It says chapter one, but there’s been a prologue that explains a bit of the background. This should be readable on its own though, and make sense. The setting: a virtual reality massive multiplayer online role … Continue reading
Circadian Contraptions Day 122
A more serene and clean try at the program i played with 3 days ago, not much to say but i like the aesthetic of this one.
Circadian Contraptions Day 121
Today was another exercise on glass, this time following a tutorial. It looks a lot better i think than the perfume bottle, but its not quite there yet. The shadows and dark/light sections in the refraction’s miss a certain coherence. I’ll keep at it though.